Thursday, August 13, 2009

Canning season

I got canned from my day job on Monday. I got a 60-day notice, which is hella generous, so I'm still working. I'm hoping that my current status of networking like a maniac will land me a job before my notice is up. I'm a little frazzled, but confident that everything will be fine for a number of reasons, which I might list, but they would make me sound like I was full of myself, which I am a little bit, but I'd prefer not to appear that way necessarily. At least not this minute.

I'm so vain.

Seriously, I've never had more people coming up to me to tell me what a pleasure it is to work with me. Several of them seemed to be nearly rending garments and ready to take to the sack cloth and ashes!

If it takes getting canned to be surrounded by so much love, I'll get canned every day!

Okay, not really. I'd prefer to feel the love without being shown the door. Still, you understand.

If you know anyone looking for a fine writer who is hardworking but a whole hell of a lot of fun to work with, give them my name. And then tell me about it so I can follow up with them and set myself up a lunch or beverage or something. Because that's what I do now.

There are few things that make me feel more like an animal than networking on purpose. I'm a natural networker. I'm constantly hooking people up with other people. It's what I do. But when I have to do it, it can feel a little more like work and a little less like fun. But I'm choosing to have fun with this. I'm meeting people I wouldn't have otherwise met. A lady cannot have too many friends.

I am taking some quiet time on Saturday to really think about what I want to do next, to visualize it happening, to plan my next steps, etc. I may even convene a meeting of trusted friends to weigh in. A crossroads has been presented to me. I am taking it as the gift that it is and I am going to make the most of it.

I will appreciate your positive thoughts during these times. Thank you.

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Blogger debl said...

Crap, I'm so sorry!! I'd invite you to have a networking lunch for me, but my company has been on the brink of laying all of us off for a couple of years now. You have my support, though!

August 13, 2009 at 11:51 PM  
Blogger pvep-kristen said...

If I hear of anything, I will send it your way. I don't think you will have any problem getting what you want.

August 14, 2009 at 7:46 AM  
Anonymous Damien said...

Your strength of conviction and positive attitude are inspiring... onwards and upwards, Jennifer!

I agree that this seemingly unpleasant and unlooked-for news may in fact be a positive opportunity. You've got what it takes to do absolutely anything, and I'm stoked for wherever you go next. I have a feeling this is just the opening of a very exciting new chapter for you.

August 14, 2009 at 7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Your blog (well besides this post) is hysterical! I wish I'd known about it sooner!
2. This post surely is inspiring - although I've only known you for a few short months, it didn't take me long to realize the strength and conviction you have. If I'm faced with the same scenario in a few short weeks (barf) I know where to come for inspiration.
3. People you may want to speak with if you haven't already - SJ, PK and JW from my previous team upstairs and MLD.
4. I'm definitely going to find some time to see you on stage! :-)
-- Mel Pel from work

August 15, 2009 at 12:13 PM  

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